
Know the benefits

We have hundreds of contracts with the top insurance carriers. Also we are a preferred provider for PTPN – (Physical Therapy Provider Network) – America’s first and largest network of private practice rehabilitation providers. Listed below are just a few insurance companies we work with. If you don’t see yours listed, please give us a call at (818) 789-3819.

  • Medicare
  • Blue Shield
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Workers’ Compensation

Direct Access

Introducing Direct Access Physical Therapy. New in 2014, patients can now directly access Physical Therapy services without a physician’s diagnosis or referral. Whether using your insurance or cash plan, you can now be evaluated and treated for 12 visits or 45 days before seeing a physician. Physical therapists are well qualified to evaluate a patient’s condition, assess his/her physical therapy needs to effectively treat the patient. Also, to recognize signs/symptoms that may need to be evaluated by other health care professionals prior to therapy.

Please contact any location for an appointment today.